But they're too busy whining about those ugly Americans to actually do much of anything.
Another reason to feed them their own home-built shit.
We've saved Europe twice (you can argue about how much our involvement in WW1, but no question that we did contribute there - but there's no question *we* won WW2), yet they seem to be ever increasingly anti-American. France, in particular, has anti-Americanism up their collective butts. Next time Germany or anyone else invades you, suck it up, you deserve it.
Me, I'd apply the same to the House of Saudi and our other so-called allies in the mideast. Kuwait? You don't like us? OK. (withdraw all troops). Saudi Arabia? People celebrating in the streets at the bombing of the World Trade Center? OK, withdraw all troops, or, as Jerry Pournelle suggests, raze the ground upon which any such celebration occurred, salt it, and make a monument visible from orbit.
Sadaam Hussein, we don't like you, but this time, we don't mind too terribly much if you move in on the area.
I'm getting a bit tired of political expediency. If your citizens hate us, with state-supported publications egging them on, then you don't deserve our support. The hell with you, Egypt, Saudi, Kuwait.
We have *one* true ally in the Mideast. Israel, like it or not.