by any mil. org. in existence? When Hitler began WW-II, his top admirals(s) beseeched him for "3-4 more years preparation". (Anticipating dealing with Britain that is - not the initial foray of Poland)

Still, the U-boats pillaged for nearly a year against US/Brit shipping without serious losses, before sheer $ and technology (and breaking the code - perhaps #1 as is claimed) - started the reversal towards total rout. (BTW - only in last couple years did the US finally acknowledge the utterly raw deal given Merchant seamen.. the ones dying from those U-boats. At the time they got zippo and until very recently - for the few suptuagenarians left, that is.)

What does it mean when a lone Superpower deems itself naked unless.. it can wage a Theatre war on two fronts simultaneously? (That was *last* year's plea for expanding the mil. budget: a mantra as regular as death, taxes and Tee Vee evangelists. Now we have Dubya and the SS fund to raid AND.. rebates for the top-end. Maybe we now need three fronts capability?)

To me it means: we are planning for several. ""Defensive"" of course.
