And I can make a firm pledge: under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase - not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.

That is an absolute statement made by President Obama.

Care to look up the demographic of smokers and or tanners? (other taxes have changed, but no need to look them up, as point is made here).

I'm willing to bet that those demographics are majority making less than 250k and the last piece IS absolutist and NOT a net calculation.

Yes, this is semantics. But I can bet pretty safely that I make under 250k and my take home is already down because of the change in withholding. And will everyone get this back equally? Or will alot of folks who don't make enough to file simply give that extra to the fed? (oh but they could get it back if they filed, so thats not the dems fault either). So again, we qualify to your semantics because it isn't >really< a tax increase.