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The Aspire M3400, on the other hand, is fairly reasonable once you rip McAfee Internet Security's beating heart from the system and show it to its children before setting it on fire and consigning it to the abyssal hellscape from whence it came.
- http://www.anandtech...-budget-desktop/3


(Who feels that way about Symantec most of the time.)
New Heh... that's one for the Gryg for sure.
New Remember when...
Norton utilities came on three floppy disks...

And they rocked!

Today is a far cry from then.
New Completely agree.
The *corporate* Symantec anti-virus is pretty good: they could not get away in the corporate version with the dastardly tricks they put in the retail version.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
     IRLRPD. - (Another Scott) - (3)
         Heh... that's one for the Gryg for sure. -NT - (jake123)
         Remember when... - (folkert) - (1)
             Completely agree. - (static)

They had, like, laser guns that turned people into monkeys. What the hell is that?
113 ms