immolation via external truthiness, to a one-minute defense of freedom of expression -->

to a cram course on the ...

... conceit to regard ourselves as individuals of Homo sapiens, a body of cells clonally derived from a single human cell. It's not true. It turns out that each one of us is actually a whole population of species, linked by our evolutionary history and lumbering through the world as a team. Genus Homo is also genera Escherichi and Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes and many others.


aka: without billions and billions of bacteria: We Are Toast. And a bone for IT: it's ALL about networking!
Now where's my copy of Life on Man ... another pæan along the road to PZ's ode to the bugs behind our massive egos
(and how it is that a homo-sap with a massive bony structure -- can/does often behave -- so spinelessly?)

¡Viva Pharyngula!