IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New dunno what kind of health plan you have
but they have whats called a stress test. Put iodine in your blood take some pictures then put you on a treadmill then take more pictures. Cholesterol high low or indifferent doesnt mean much, if its sticking to artery walls it means a lot. Cheaper option is the vans that come around and offer neck chest and leg imagery looking for clots. Its less resolution but my doc suggested its a good idea at $159 to get them done and have her look at them.
New Re: that "magic 200"
That number comes down every time someone patents a new statin.

     Looks like I need to get more serious about my diet. - (Another Scott) - (5)
         dunno what kind of health plan you have - (boxley) - (1)
             Re: that "magic 200" - (drook)
         I'm getting a health test in a few weeks. - (static)
         Do a tablespoon or two of evoo a day. - (jake123)
         Thanks all. - (Another Scott)

I have neither space nor cash nor latitude to adorn my house with any more things with CPUs in them.
55 ms