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New Looks like I need to get more serious about my diet.
J's been after me for a while to get my cholesterol tested. The last time I had it checked, a several years ago, it was 201 mg/dL - just over the magic 200 line. My HDL was low because (the thinking was) I didn't exercise enough.

I figured eventually I would have to be more methodical about what I eat because my mom has had several strokes. But I rationalized that since she was overweight and had a history of smoking, never exercised, had a poor diet, and so forth that it wasn't a serious concern for me in my 40s since I didn't have any of those things.

Well, since my 40s are ending soon, and figuring a single test at a doctor's office won't tell me too much because I have a history of changing my diet quite frequently, I thought I'd get a test system for home.

I got one of these - http://www.amazon.co...U/ref=oss_product - because it gives more than just one number from a single blood sample. I figured if I didn't have to jab myself multiple times and use multiple strips that it would be something I'd be willing to use regularly and be more likely to trust.

I used it the first time today.

J is freaking out after hearing the numbers. "Oh my God!!!!" :-<

Using the "Lipid Panel" test strip (sold separately, naturally):

Total cholesterol: 253 mg/dL
HDL: 54 mg/dL
Triglycerides: < 50 mg/dL
Calculated LDL (= TC - HDL - (Trig/5)) = 189 mg/dL
TC/HDL = 4.7


I'm not sure I trust them yet, because that's the second result, after drinking a couple of glasses of water and going on a 90 minute walk with Sophie this morning. The initial results were even worse:

Total cholesterol: 262 mg/dL
HDL: 36 mg/dL
Triglycerides: < 50 mg/dL
Calculated LDL (= TC - HDL - (Trig/5)) = 216 mg/dL
TC/HDL = 7.3

Double Ack!

The system itself is easy to use, except when it comes to trying to get blood out of my body and into the system. It needs 40 uL. That sounds like a tiny bit, but it's a lot to get out of finger puncture (3-4 large drops). If you don't get enough on the test strip, it'll start the test anyway and trundle for a while before giving an error. The "capillary blood collectors" (sold separately, naturally) were nearly impossible for me to fill successfully (I used 10 to get 2 successful tests). I just don't seem to bleed very easily at the moment, and it is easy to get an air bubble in the capillary, meaning you can't fill it to the proper amount. And it's easy to squeeze blood out of it as you open the container for the test strip. So you end up with a sore finger, blood smeared all over, and an unsuccessful result. I've used 6 test strips so far for the 2 successful results.


Be that as it may, I eventually came up with something that seems likely to work - using a lancette (sold separately, naturally) in 2 areas on the side of my left index finger.

Now, I've just got to figure out whether the 18 point swing in my HDL in a few hours is real or an artifact of being slightly dehydrated, time of day, or something. If it requires a regimented routine before testing, I might not be able to check it very often to verify the stability of the results.

I've heard that a couple of glasses of wine a night (or similar alcohol) can increase HDL substantially, which might be worth a shot, but isn't my major problem. I've got to find a diet that cuts my LDL substantially (like in half).

If these numbers are right, I guess it just shows that you can feel fine, almost never eat out, rarely drink or eat HFCS, have a large salad nearly every day, etc., and still have controllable risks for nasty things...

I'll probably get some of the cheaper total cholesterol test strips for more routine testing (they also require less blood), and use the full Lipid Panel strips at wider increments.

I'm 5'9" and weigh 155 pounds at the moment (my ideal weight is probably closer to 145).

If you folks haven't had yours checked recently, you might want to do so. No sense in keeling over before we have to. :-)

New dunno what kind of health plan you have
but they have whats called a stress test. Put iodine in your blood take some pictures then put you on a treadmill then take more pictures. Cholesterol high low or indifferent doesnt mean much, if its sticking to artery walls it means a lot. Cheaper option is the vans that come around and offer neck chest and leg imagery looking for clots. Its less resolution but my doc suggested its a good idea at $159 to get them done and have her look at them.
New Re: that "magic 200"
That number comes down every time someone patents a new statin.

New I'm getting a health test in a few weeks.
Work-sponsored (quite a nice perk, actually). I'm very interested in the cholesterol test. This time last year their blood-test machine wasn't working. :-/ I hope it is this time.

It's actually really good timing. I've been in my own place for just over a month and my diet will have therefore shifted somewhat. Principle change is much less canola oil and less "food chemicals" as I'm cooking a lot more and not using packet foods as much. I had a proper blood pathology test about two or three years ago and everything was boringly normal. I'm curious as to what, if any, changes there may be. My mother goes on about heart-disease in the family so I need to be aware of my own levels.


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New Do a tablespoon or two of evoo a day.
Also has the advantage of helping out with any incipient arthritis-type inflammation you may have.
New Thanks all.
I'm trying to get my weight down before doing any major changes or other diagnoses. I don't like having this (albeit small) spare tire and this has finally made me do something about it.

I'll report back in a few weeks when I know more. :-)

     Looks like I need to get more serious about my diet. - (Another Scott) - (5)
         dunno what kind of health plan you have - (boxley) - (1)
             Re: that "magic 200" - (drook)
         I'm getting a health test in a few weeks. - (static)
         Do a tablespoon or two of evoo a day. - (jake123)
         Thanks all. - (Another Scott)

This is immediately dreadful.
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