I tend to think not. After all, that was one of the big draws of OS/2, that it could run Win 3.x apps as well (generally) as Win 3.x.
I never found that to be true. When I tried to run Windows stuff, it always ran rather erratically - of course the early Windows programs always ran erratically anyway, even Microsoft-written programs, at least until Quicken and Ami Pro came out.
The killer (at that time) for me was Doom. Doom never could handle sound under OS/2, or indeed most peoples' sound cards. (I heard rumors that some did work, but never saw it happen myself.) The death knell for OS/2 on my computer was the (first) enthusiastic announcements of porting Doom to OS/2, the rumors of betas, then the long silence, then the idsoftware .plan file saying "We don't know what's going on with OS/2 Doom, and stop asking."
When I realized the only things I were doing under OS/2 were Nethack and Galactic Civilizations (who, from reports, had an unbelievably hard time getting it to work around the so-called OS/2 graphics module that was going to be the direct competition to that pre-DirectX Microsoftie ploy (geez, I can't even remember its name, it faded so quickly from the scene), it was over. Doom ran perfectly under Windows 95. I missed Galactic Civilizations, but oh well.
At that time I only had one computer, and OS/2 was just sitting there eating disk space.
[edit - added the last paragraph]