Post #328,082
6/16/10 11:34:08 AM

Explain to me what a torch or thermite is going to do.
Other than make it worse.
You've got a 20-some-odd inch pipe with something like 2M gal/day of oil (and millions of cubic feet of gas) coming out at 2000+ PSI. What is a torch or thermite going to do to seal that big a leak?
Post #328,083
6/16/10 11:37:32 AM

here, have a boo
apparently I am not the only one thinking along these lines
To my knowledge, anecdotal information leads me to believe that when Saddam Hussein scuttled offshore production rigs during the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. Military the U.S. Military sealed wells running wild off the coast of Iraq, (off the port of Basra), with the same methods. They weren't as deep, but they purportedly used the same methods for a quick seal.
Post #328,087
6/16/10 12:05:58 PM

But I'm discounting this theory as unworkable.
Thought experiments are nice, but reality is a little more complicated.
Post #328,088
6/16/10 12:12:42 PM

Who is that mysterious stranger at the end of that page? :-)
Post #328,089
6/16/10 12:17:17 PM

my idea is different as you noticed
Post #328,094
6/16/10 12:33:26 PM

Where's the oxygen going to come from to "burn" it?
It won't work. Sorry.
Post #328,096
6/16/10 12:41:44 PM

Doesnt need oxygen, whole point of the idea
Post #328,097
6/16/10 12:48:45 PM

Mythbusters Toast 1/2 Ton of Thermite
Post #328,098
6/16/10 12:54:43 PM

Not the same thing.
That's a thermite reaction. You get similar effects dropping pure sodium or pure magnesium in water - lots of heat and lots of light.
"Burning" is oxidation of something.
Putting thermite in a high pressure stream of oil and natural gas isn't going to make the oil and natural gas burn unless there's a significant source of oxygen. There isn't one under the ocean. (Recall that fiery blowouts on land used to be put out with dynamite (which blows away the oxygen for combustion).) Heating up a small portion of the stream to some high temperature isn't going to solve anything.
I suspect the thermite would quickly be extinguished by the rushing oil and gas (e.g. quickly buried by a coating of tar). Plus, there's the minor issue of safely supplying thermite to the well head...
It's not going to work. Sorry.
Post #328,084
6/16/10 11:38:44 AM

BTW administration claims 40k bpd not 2 million
Post #328,086
6/16/10 12:00:08 PM

40k barrels/day * 42 gallons/barrel = 1.7M gal/day. HTH :-)