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New It's interesting
You have a politician that, you know, tells the truth about his job. And people criticize him for it... and then complain that politicians don't tell the truth.

Can you see the problem there? Who would you rather have running shit... someone who tells you the truth even though you might not like it, or someone that will lie to you for long enough for them to get out clean with their golden handshake?
New Not really
No offense intended...but you don't know much about Biden's history if you think he is an honest politician.

What he does do very effectively is flap his yap...and in so flapping has been shown to say anything (true or not, his own words or not) to advance his position. This does, fortunately or unfortunately depending on your POV, make him a very good politician, just not an honest one.
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
New Maybe so...
but in this particular case, as I understand it, he's telling the truth about what he's doing. Why come down on someone for telling the truth? If he lies so much, it should be easy to find lots of those lying about to beat him with, and it'll work a lot better as well as being a good object lessons for other pols... tell the truth, even if unpalatable, and things will go well... tell a lie, and take a beating.
     Keep it up Joe - (beepster) - (3)
         It's interesting - (jake123) - (2)
             Not really - (beepster) - (1)
                 Maybe so... - (jake123)

Not just broken: robustly broken!
49 ms