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New The thing is, that question is not really the *right*

The right question is... who are the people in government that you trust?

I can say that when it comes to the government around here (speaking strictly locally here) that there are folks that I trust and folks that I don't, and folks that I'm not worried 'cause they've got no real power anyway. I don't distrust "the gubmint" but there are some people in there that I wouldn't trust with the contents of my toilet bowl. There are other people who are clearly honourable and deserving of trust. That's the real issue, not whether you trust "the government".

Way to fucking vague a question to be useful, that... but it probably appeals to manichean children.
New Love. It. English is NOT dead (just in the US.)
While Manichæism seems to have flourished most in earliest centuries til ~ 14th century, when the churches disappeared -- clearly amongst Fundies everywhere: we inhabit a social-universe of Opposites ->|<- locked in a perpetual death struggle for possession of the Certainty: I AM Right!
cf. a History of Gnosticism

And thanks to the techno of fission/fusion + the recent exponential Rise of Dumbth, there may finally be a Winner:
the cockroach.
(most radiation resistant species know, last I heard.)

Of course too, the oldest religions have always had a koan describing the maya (by-any-Other-name) as the World of Opposites. This one and its inhabitants.

Currently it seems: the Murican Repo exemplifies this futility-in-(in)action, complete with cheerleaders from Wasilla -- all seeking the codes to what The Bagman carries around in that football -- that which shall express once-and-for-All: Their Right-eousness. (Alas, with no audience to applaud The Winner.)

And so it goes..

New not hardly, if you remember the freedoms
at least for white men anyway thru circa 1968-9 or so was much greater than the little liberties that the current and just prior regime has so graciously allowed. Suggest you take a commercial flight somewhere and match that to one from the 1970's
If we torture the data long enough, it will confess. (Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 1991)
New Need to look up Manichæism; non sequitur.
New need to look at russia circa 1955, we are there now
If we torture the data long enough, it will confess. (Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 1991)
New Really?
Sorry, I haven't noticed any pograms recently.
     government, not to be trusted - (boxley) - (7)
         The thing is, that question is not really the *right* - (jake123) - (5)
             Love. It. English is NOT dead (just in the US.) - (Ashton) - (4)
                 not hardly, if you remember the freedoms - (boxley) - (3)
                     Need to look up Manichæism; non sequitur. -NT - (Ashton) - (2)
                         need to look at russia circa 1955, we are there now -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                             Really? - (crazy)
         And I'd say the same about - (mhuber)

Sharp as a balloon.
72 ms