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New Death penalty is acceptable here
Even in my religion. The Catholic Church is opposed to executions, except where the State is incapable of preventing a killer from killing again.

The documents they produced sure look like conspiracy to torture. A conspiracy that resulted in people being killed. That is a death penalty crime under US law.

Perhaps they think they are heroes, warriors in a clash of religions and cultures. But they are criminals. Like those other criminals who want to be seen as warriors, they deserve trials in Federal courts. Unlike those other criminals, these have powerful accomplices likely to release them so they can kill again. There is a moral reason to seek the death penalty - mere imprisonment will not stop them.

They apparently did their alleged crimes knowing that innocent people would die horribly as a result. Just like those other guys.

Unlike the other guys, they used the power of the US government and claimed to be acting for us. They dishonor us. They bring shame on the Republic. They couldn't befoul the flag more if they used it as toilet paper.
New Using it as toilet paper
would befoul it less.

I sincerely hope that your reaction is a common one, Mike. Prosecution and punishment of those responsible is the only way that stain's going to come out, and everybody in the world knows that except for your press, and by extension, the US people. Not only that, it's pretty obvious that the ignorance on the part of the press is pretty much willful, and there's only so long before the world's going to have to assume that it's willful on the part of the US people too. When that time comes is when the US is really going to find out what it's like to be a falling power.

You should be sure to tell everyone you know how you feel about it. Spread the word.
New unfortunately the people supporting such memos
were the same dweebs that had their heads repeatedly dunked into a toilet bowl at school. They associate waterboarding with that. most chickenhawks wouldnt know what to do in a firefight except plug their ears, holler lalalala and die quickly
If we torture the data long enough, it will confess. (Ronald Coase, Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 1991)
     "The OPR report is essentially this era's Hiroshima." - (Another Scott) - (4)
         Death penalty is acceptable here - (mhuber) - (2)
             Using it as toilet paper - (jake123) - (1)
                 unfortunately the people supporting such memos - (boxley)
         Fallows has links to searchable PDFs. - (Another Scott)

Battling him is like wiping off puppy slobber.
37 ms