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New Staggering? Pshaw
Cleveland has broken 40 inches in one month a couple of times -- http://www.erh.noaa....cletop10snow.html

And for the year, it's topped 100 inches three times since 1968 -- http://www.erh.noaa....fall-seasons.html

I've been here since '95, so I've seen two of those. The first, in '95, I went to bed and there was no snow at all. Hadn't had the first snow of the year yet. I woke up to 19 inches and a state of emergency. Welcome to Cleveland!

And those totals are taken at the airport, which doesn't get nearly as much as the Eastern suburbs.

New Pfft.
Montreal averages 86 inches of snowfall a year. I think the big record that bit the dust a couple of years ago was around 130 inches for the year. That same year Ville de Quebec got around 165 inches.

'Course, if you want to talk about insanity, you want to get down in the maritimes, where some times they've ended up with 120 inches in a month.... but that's not quite the same; they don't have cities with millions of people in them down there.
     It ain't braggin' if you can do it - and for every year - (lincoln) - (7)
         maybe canada could rent them for zamboni drivers -NT - (boxley)
         I'm willing to bet that the Montreal folks might have - (jake123) - (1)
             doubledown on that one - (boxley)
         Dunno about "every year". - (Another Scott) - (3)
             Staggering? Pshaw - (drook) - (1)
                 Pfft. - (jake123)
             Re: Dunno about "every year". - (lincoln)

Somebody call Cirque du Soleil, because I am about to flip my shit!
115 ms