there's a big difference between 50%+1 permitting any action and 50%+1 subject to the limitations of (here) the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or (there) the Bill of Rights... and once again has little to nothing to do with the supermajority rule to stop a filibuster leading to the possibility that legislation may be stopped by Senators representing a total population of 68,885,356 out of a total US population of 281,421,906, or by 68,885,356/281,421,906, or 24.5% of the population as a whole... and that's a gimme... it takes 41 senators to block legislation, but I counted the population represented by 42.

Yeah, sounds like a small majority to me.

If you want to have a filibuster, why not try something like our constitutional amendment rules, which require ratification by (IIRC) 2/3 of provinces representing at least 50% of the population?