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New Wow
I'm amazed he can walk properly, with balls that big.

Aside from legal defense, I'd like to know what actually prompted him to go do that. One second he's standing there, next second he's walking over and looking at something he clearly couldn't read until he was right over it.

New for intel purposes they can certainly look at documents left
in the open. Gotta watch yer stuff, cops are shifty bastards. You of all people ought to know that. Seen much shitter stuff elsewhere both here and in the country north of us
New Nope, he lied
He looked theough a folder and took a page from the middle.

No matter what his reasoning, if the lawyer didn't have a bomb strapped to himself (or other emergency of that level), he had NO right to take anything from that table, no matter what his supposed reason or cause was.

Give him 10 years.
     Banana Republic - (jake123) - (3)
         Wow - (drook)
         for intel purposes they can certainly look at documents left - (boxley) - (1)
             Nope, he lied - (crazy)

32 ms