KSM isn't so scary that the federal courts can't handle him. There is no reason why he cannot be tried here. If you look through what was done with the Moussaoui trial, you'll see that it wasn't a circus.

Moussaoui was tried in federal court here.

McVeigh was tried here.

Four of the US Embassy bombers were tried here - http://edition.cnn.c...embassy.bombings/


The best protection we have against terrorism is living up to our ideals and following our laws, not being afraid to put people on trial because they're "too dangerous". Following the law is not "taking unnecessary risk".

For someone who worries about the "slippery slope" in other contexts, you seem to be willing to ride the Slip&Slide regarding the "field of battle". IMO, if the term applies to Rawalpindi, then it applies to Orlando...
