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New Anyone interested in a CSS brain teaser? - never mind, fixed
I'm working on the Wordpress theme for my new site, and I've got a float that isn't where I want it.


Screenshot showing it open in Firebug:

The two sidebar divs, class="main-aside", are set to the right, causing the screen to scroll sideways. I've looked through all the positioning tags for body, #wrapper, #main, #primary, .aside and .main-aside and I can't figure out why it's doing that.

Any suggestions?



Okay, still have a problem, but it's not what I thought. Turns out the "width: auto" plus "left: 140px" on #branding is causing that to make it the width of the screen, but set to the right by 140px. Which means a side scroll.

Any ideas how to fix that?


[Edit (again)]

Well, it's "fixed". By which I mean that I just did some trial-and-error in Firebug until I made it look right. I'm not happy at all with how it calculates width.

Expand Edited by drook Oct. 20, 2009, 10:24:08 AM EDT
Collapse Edited by drook Oct. 20, 2009, 10:30:50 AM EDT
Anyone interested in a CSS brain teaser?
I'm working on the Wordpress theme for my new site, and I've got a float that isn't where I want it.


Screenshot showing it open in Firebug:

The two sidebar divs, class="main-aside", are set to the right, causing the screen to scroll sideways. I've looked through all the positioning tags for body, #wrapper, #main, #primary, .aside and .main-aside and I can't figure out why it's doing that.

Any suggestions?



Okay, still have a problem, but it's not what I thought. Turns out the "width: auto" plus "left: 140px" on #main is causing that to make it the width of the screen plus 140. I can fix this by moving the "left" property onto one of the child divs, but that doesn't seem right.

Expand Edited by drook Oct. 20, 2009, 10:40:56 AM EDT
Expand Edited by drook Oct. 20, 2009, 10:56:29 AM EDT
New Suggestion for CSS positioning
Use the layout CSS files from YUI:

Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New If I were doing a bare website I probably would
But I'm doing this on Wordpress. Trying to learn YUI at the same time I'm learning Wordpress is a bit much. Maybe when I move my other site to Wordpress.

New It's not YUI
It's just a CSS file that they use. That part of YUI takes about 15 minutes to learn and start using.
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Have you used Wordpress?
Not being flip or sarcastic. It's a huge, gnarly framework -- at least it looks that way at first. Lots of overlapping selectors, magical HTML rewrites, long-standing conventions (some of which are actually documented).

I'm sure it gets easier as you get familiar with it, but you have to look in bunches of files to find where things are changing. And you can't just look at one page and know what you're changing. Lots of selectors are in there for elements that only appear on-screen during very specific circumstances.

I'm at the point of learning a new framework. I want to understand Wordpress -- and in particular WP themes -- before I start overlaying another set of selectors.

New Nope.
Understood. :-)
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New I'm dangerously close to becoming a WordPress fanboy
It's reasonably well-structured. So every time I beat my head against a particular wall long enough, I finally have an a-ha moment that clears up lots of things.

Themes inherit from the base system. Child themes inherit from parent themes. CSS cascades down through ridiculous numbers of layers and still works. (Assuming you found the correct selector to begin with.) The particular theme I'm using is almost 100% structure with very little design.

It all just seems to work. Even caching pre-compiled pages.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure I found my hosting solution. Now, to figure out the easiest way to automate the cleanup after I import the current blog ...

New Cool!
Wordpress seems easiest to me also, before I NIX'd what i had setup.

FYI. Your item is shipping back to me, finally, tomorrow.

Its coming USPS 2-3 day.

If I get it Friday or Saturday, I might be able to have it shipping on Tuesday.

All depends on the look of the Nickel-Tin Pins I have cut for it and how they look after swaging. You might get brass bins in stead.
New Woot -- can't wait

     Anyone interested in a CSS brain teaser? - never mind, fixed - (drook) - (8)
         Suggestion for CSS positioning - (malraux) - (7)
             If I were doing a bare website I probably would - (drook) - (6)
                 It's not YUI - (malraux) - (5)
                     Have you used Wordpress? - (drook) - (4)
                         Nope. - (malraux) - (3)
                             I'm dangerously close to becoming a WordPress fanboy - (drook) - (2)
                                 Cool! - (folkert) - (1)
                                     Woot -- can't wait -NT - (drook)

It's Lord of the Flies, but with iPhones.
100 ms