I hope you're right
But eight years ago I'd never have believed that the "enhanced interrogation" goalposts would have been moved so far. But I daresay you didn't even notice that they'd drifted, did you?
I had no illusions
or delusions that our folks on the dark (ops) side would not go to such levels. We did it in SE Asia in the 70s...we include it as training for all special ops before and after...the difference with the last crew was that it went public in a fairly brazen manner...with the VP response being something like "yeah we did, so?" which wasn't too comforting...and having lawyers try and craft opinions to make it all "legal like".
Or do we actually think that Jack Bauer types are true works of fiction? I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
distinctions, distinctions
we include it as training for all special ops before and after
It's included to prepare the "special ops" tough guys for things the bad guys might do to them. Are you such a "realist" that it makes no difference to you whether it's inflicted on volunteers or whether it's inflicted on "suspects?" I pity you, I really do—though not as much as I pity the victims of monsters in authority whose mindsets you parrot. |
you're such an idealist that you seem to think that there aren't >bad< people in the employ of this >good< government.
You're remaining leap of faith that I'm aligned with the thugs notwithstanding. I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
we is people just like the valiant canadians et al
the politicians can look steely eyed at the cameras and swear it wont happen on their watch then appoint some golem to run black ops on the QT that would horrify the politician.
Problem is that folks that get caught do time so when checey asked his golem to get busy, they said give that order to me in writing. That is the difference between today and folks before 2001 http://whatreallyhap...ICS/UN/peace.html Nor was the Belgian component of the UNÂs "Operation Restore Hope" uniquely barbarous. Three members of a now-disbanded elite Canadian paratroop regiment were tried and convicted of criminal charges in the beating death of a 16-year-old Somali boy named Shidane Arone; the three "peacekeepers" had been photographed smiling beside the bloody corpse of the boy, whose hands had been bound. The incident prompted the creation of a Canadian government commission to review that nationÂs military and its involvement in "peacekeeping" missions; however, the inquiry foundered on the obstructionism of political and military bodies and produced what Canadian critics call an incomplete and inadequate report. |
Oh wait, what's the difference there
There were no orders to do that.
The people that did it went to jail, except for the guy who tried to hang himself and brain-damaged himself so badly that he is to all intents and purposes a toddler. The colonel in charge of the regiment was cashiered for the obvious and terrible breakdown in discipline in his regiment. The regiment itself was disbanded; despite it's storied history, the murder of Arone was considered such a vile and ignominious act and indicative of an absolute breakdown of discipline that the only solution was to destroy the regiment and break up the people in it. It'd be nice if the person you quote provided a link to the report, and named the people who called it incomplete and inadequate. Here's some more info about that: http://hrsbstaff.edn...omalia_affair.htm http://epe.lac-bac.g.../issue-2/0244.htm http://epe.lac-bac.g.../issue-2/0244.htm Wikipedia has a pretty good overview of all that: http://en.wikipedia....ki/Somalia_Affair |
thanks for making my point :-)
prior to cheney there was no orders, and if caught off to jail you go. Politicians did not want to know
Not so sure about that either
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
[...]- RONALD REAGAN, MAY 20, 1988. Sorry, but I don't think only the level of brazen-ness changed with Bush/Cheney. Cheers, Scott. |
who was HIS veep, plausible deniability in play