Post #314,481
9/23/09 8:17:10 PM
"Hosting your Windows 7 launch party"
I don't get it. Does Microsoft hire its PR people from some alternative Bizarro universe? Can you imagine anything like this ever emerging into the light of day from Apple? Can you imagine an in-house team presenting this to El Jobso and ever being seen again? They and their workproduct would be buried in deep graves at Infinite Loop, and a cement truck loaded with quicklime would slop cubic yards of solvent on top of them.
Here's the "dirty" version." Same as above, except the Borg references beeped out. Dirty indeed:
But geez, whatever they're smoking in Redmond I want no part of. Major brain damage clearly attends it.
Post #314,482
9/23/09 8:32:57 PM
I ashamedly admit...
I went to the "sign page" for my Free "Ultimate" version to pass around at the party.
But I just COULDN'T force myself to give them all my information... and reasons why I REALLY LIKE *BEEEP*.
I also have to be honest, my finger tips were burning as I was typing my initial honest responses... before I just closed the browser tab.
Post #314,483
9/23/09 8:33:14 PM
lets see, old white broad check, saucy blonde check
big black guy shaved head dressed unthreatening check, nerdy white guy with geek glasses, check. Sounds like the guy from the apple commercial designed it allright.
Post #314,484
9/23/09 8:39:49 PM
demographic checklist, sure
You're asking us to imagine that the lameness quotient wouldn't have had Jobso's quality-control elves on the floor, twitching uncontrollably and bleeding from the ears and rectums? And yes, I'm LRPD-whoring here.
Post #314,486
9/23/09 9:17:52 PM
you got it lrpd that sucker
Post #314,495
9/24/09 9:33:04 AM
You know, I watched it to the end
but despite the initial impressions, a game of naked mazola twister didn't break out.
Post #314,522
9/24/09 10:15:43 PM
There's several seconds of my life...
... I'll never get back.
Several seconds was all I could stand.
Post #314,523
9/24/09 10:20:53 PM
hey slick...
KD8LVP here.
I haven't done anything yet.
Post #314,524
9/24/09 10:23:33 PM
About damned time.
Post #314,545
9/25/09 10:45:00 AM
I'd really like to be at the meeting where they're looking at that finished product and deciding, "Yes, that's it exactly. Publish it."
Who exactly is the target for that video, other than the suits? Who do they think is going to watch it and think, "Gosh, what a cool idea!"?
Post #314,562
9/25/09 3:06:33 PM
I can't think of anyone
..who would ever consider doing this. Thats worse than any sunday morning infomercial I've ever seen.
Wow..someone earns a paycheck for that???
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
Post #314,564
9/25/09 3:35:47 PM
I would love to believe...
... that it's tongue in cheek, but there's just a creepy "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" feeling about it that tells me "no".
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #314,567
9/25/09 4:15:05 PM
I had that same creepy
But if I saw that run against pretty much any >other< idea...the other idea would it could have been done by the internal marketing guys to support a different approach. Don't have much faith in that, this is the company that brought us such things as "Bob".
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
Post #314,568
9/25/09 4:50:05 PM
The sheer length is what makes me think it's real
If it were a joke, you could have made it in two minutes. This just goes on and on and on ...
Post #314,572
9/25/09 5:57:27 PM
perhaps they have a point
there is more of them than there is of us, so they went after their base
scary thought that
Post #314,590
9/25/09 11:49:48 PM
I can think of someone who would do it.
Two, actually. Both of them make their living with MS products and have been in MS beta programs.
Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers? A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
Post #314,575
9/25/09 6:56:28 PM
Can't watch it.
For some reason, I only see a couple of seconds before it stalls. The 2nd one is smooth, and gets the point across. ;-)
I find the fake camera shaking and sudden zooming that seems so common in these types of ads to be very annoying. Right up there with pictures on the front pages of newspapers that are deliberately rotated about 30 degrees for no sensible reason...
Post #314,946
10/1/09 5:11:30 PM
I finally got around to viewing this . . .
It is sick, really sick . . . and probably a stroke of marketing genius - it certainly has had a lot of people talking about it. Even the MacFanatics have been talking about it. "No such thing as bad publicity', you know.
Post #315,007
10/3/09 11:52:15 AM
No such thing as bad publicity?
Ummm...Elliot Spitzer?
Yeah, it's gone viral, but I'm very much inclined to think this was not of set purpose by MS or by the lame-ass "house party" marketing group that produced it for them. In the case of the latter, think of all the potential clients going "Get these people on the phone! I want them to produce an internet video that will make our flagship product an object of scorn!" I guess it's one thing if you're trying to market the "Super Bass-o-Matic 76" and not getting any traction, but it's not as though Windows 7 was going to launch unnoticed this fall.