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New Sounds more like one of the political flunkies
appointed by the Harperites decided to have him some fun with the Injuns. That's about their speed, as evidenced by the willingess to have the PM fly down to get Brenda Martin (a white convicted felon in a Mexican jail) while hanging brown muslim people (including mentally disabled young adults, women whose "lips looked different" and therefore required deportation from Kenya, etc etc) out to dry in various third world legal purgatories.

It's playing to their base, you see. I think it's designed to make sure they don't get the same result that Kim Campbell did after the Mulroney years (being reduced to a rump of two seats) by assuring themselves of the redneck bigot vote in certain pockets in the rural west and Ontario.

I should point out they can't get that vote in Quebec; by default they go to the Bloc, and esp. after the recent history in the Maritimes they've not got a prayer out there either. Personally, if the rural Ontarians have any actual self-respect, the first thing they should do is make sure that at minimum Clements and Flaherty lose their seats after the face-slapping with fish to their own base that they handed out in the run up to the recession, but we'll see whether that actually goes that way or not.
New reminds me I need to ask an offline question
and have lost your email, could you ping me at williamoxley at netscrape dot com
New done!
New Is that what we sound like to the rest of the world?
I know it's a little easier to discuss U.S. politics, what with only the two major parties. But I hadn't a clue about anything you just said.

Now as far as the body bags, has anyone checked whether this is SOP for flu season? What I mean is, last year the news was all about the shark attacks around the Gulf states. Turns out, it was actually a slow year for shark attacks. They just got some good video of it during a slow news day and it became A Story.

So is sending body bags really unusual? Or did someone just decide to point it out this year?

New No, it's unusual all right
Furthermore, realistically they're supposed to be sending them vaccines, not body bags. That's the real scandal... the white towns are getting vaccines, the reserves are getting body bags.

...and considering some of the recent scandals up here around brown muslim Canadians guilty of no crime in other countries getting hung out to dry while private planes are sent to pick up convicted felons who happen to be white, I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
New Well, there are two /major/ parties in Canada
Conservatives and Liberals. Colloquially known as the Tories and the Grits... but the current Conservative Party of Canada can't really be called Tory, imho; really they're rebranded Republicans. Anyhoo, the problem you're having is that while I'm quite familiar with the major personalities in U.S. politics since at least Nixon, you've not a clue about the major personalities in Canadian politics... beyond maybe Trudeau and Mulroney. There's a lot of history there, and some good stories. But, when I talk about Flaherty (current Minister of Finance of Canada, former Minister of Finance of Ontario, which happens to be my home province) you've not idea who he is or what he's like or his style, so when I call him a lying sack of shit who never met an accountant's angle he didn't like and a poor person he didn't like to kick, you've got zero context into which to put that statement.
New your description of the finance minister is vague
sounds like every businessman I have ever met from Ontario :-) did the email go to netscape? I havnt got it yet
New Re: your description of the finance minister is vague
I got a bounce from netscape, so just for fecal laughs, I sent it to netscrape.

Here, it's partial period to period music at gee mail period comm-yew-nist.
New Oh yeah
Let's just say that the Flatularity is simply as close the the Platonic form of that as one is likely to get.
     maybe this flu is going to be bad - (boxley) - (9)
         Sounds more like one of the political flunkies - (jake123) - (8)
             reminds me I need to ask an offline question - (boxley) - (1)
                 done! -NT - (jake123)
             Is that what we sound like to the rest of the world? - (drook) - (5)
                 No, it's unusual all right - (jake123)
                 Well, there are two /major/ parties in Canada - (jake123) - (3)
                     your description of the finance minister is vague - (boxley) - (2)
                         Re: your description of the finance minister is vague - (jake123)
                         Oh yeah - (jake123)

When will they realize that their stupid cult is not the only one?
55 ms