Sorry I haven't been back in here sooner, I had a setback with my arm, here's an update.

I saw the doctor on the 4th and she said I have tendonitis in my wrist. I started back to physical therapy yesterday and he was not happy with how it looked. he said my entire wrist joint is inflamed. The good news is it can be healed, but the bad news is he does not want me to use my right hand AT ALL right now. ACK! It also has to be wrapped all the time.

So the mouse is back on the left side, and I am typing with my left hand (and letting the fingers of my right press shift and enter now and then. I'm not supposed to write, type, mouse, play piano, lift, or otherwise do anything that will cause my arm to have to turn. I did wrangle using both hands to drive, eat, get dressed/undressed, and basic things like brushing my teeth. And I wrangled writing very limited things (appts, Sleep log for my dr, weight, etc).

Dan said he would trust me not to use it, and see how I am on Friday, but if I don't behave and rest it, he will splint it. ;) So as you can imagine, I'm sitting here going crazy and learning more and more how to type and mouse left-handed...albeit v e r y s l o w l y. At least having DSL now I don't have to do anything every few minutes to stay connected. ;)

As for why it happened, they had told me to start doing things normally again, and I don't think they had a clue what my "normal" was. ;) We also think that what I thought was resting it, i.e. typing a while then reading a paper or two, was not, because of the repetitive page turning aspect. So I can read papers but only if I turn pages with my left hand.

Can you say BORED and FRUSTRATED Owl? I can! ;)
