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New Re: if I dont have 800 a month for health insurance
Well, I'm with you on one thing... those people are fucked. I'm still at the jury out stage with the big O... I think it might be a case of him using health care to fuck certain parts of the D institutional cadre with a well placed veto of crock of shit health legislation right before the mid-terms... giving him two years to get it done with a more pliant parliament after the object lesson of what one hopes will happen to Baucus et al come mid-term election time... but what those ass clowns have come up with is truly worst than doing nothing.

It's just astounding to me... this is NOT rocket science, and there's boatloads of successful working systems that one can model from all over the place with various degrees of public-private sharing of the problem. However, it certainly looks like the simple truth is that anything that will fix the problem is simply off the table because it will require fucking the insurance companies that are making out like bandits right now, and that can't happen because as long as they're making out like bandits so are the key senators and reps making sure the gravy train never stops at the station to let the plebes have a turn.
New couldn't have said it better myself
which is pretty scary, since you said it first ;-)
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
     if I dont have 800 a month for health insurance - (boxley) - (2)
         Re: if I dont have 800 a month for health insurance - (jake123) - (1)
             couldn't have said it better myself - (beepster)

Mmmm... Flavored Beer.
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