wherein the blind (and unwilling to acquire a Seeing Eye dog) lead the 'sighted' (but un-Suited) to regularly work feverishly to accomplish the barely-possible (and often - the not merely unnecessary but, logically-flawed to boot) --
I think I'd rather become a Florist. Or a mercenary. Or an ex-patriate (?)
Condolences on picking an esoteric vocation while dwelling in an increasingly concrete-dense society of pushers of Power-Point fantasies (in lieu of Honest Work\ufffd)
who notices that this week, the Vast Tee Vee Wastelend includes PBS too: several variations on ~ Ethel Glotz's Map for Success or other inspirational titles reminiscent of, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.
So it ain't just at your shop, where the madness is getting to be almost routine.. Something in the water...