I've been experimenting the last week or so:
Large mug of strong tea with 1.5t sugar. 30 cal? Multivitamin.
Nothing except water.
1 hot dog with spicy mustard (no bun). (Trader Joe's uncured) 170 cal?
1 pint Ben&Jerry's ice cream. (1000 - 1200 calories)
1 large glass decaf tea. 30 cal?
Up to ~ 1430 cal. Who knows how many carbs (lots of sugars in the B&J ice cream). Lots of protein, lots of fat.
Net result: -5 pounds in about 7 days (I'm below 150 now, for the first time in a couple of years or so).
It's weird. I don't feel the same "hunger" pangs that I usually do. The food just seems to be sitting inside me and digesting very slowly.
I wouldn't want to stay on this too long, but it points out to me that I have really strong addiction to carbs. They just aren't satisfying, and small quantities often make me hungrier. I think this experiment will reinforce the idea that I shouldn't have the quantity of breads, cereal, etc., I've had over the last few years. Fearing fat intake seems to be counter-productive, for me at least. Of course, as always, moderation must be a key...
Note that I'm not making any claims about how easy it will be to stay below 150. ;-)
One short-term data point, FWIW.