Note that its demise.. also signals the demise of lots of kids finding out how 'lectronics Really works - not to mention 'housewives' who assembled their own color Tee Vee. They may not have gotten even much into Ohm's law but, imagine the satisfaction..
The new Tee Vee? I built it!
Fisher stuff - that was about the time I started doing 'audio consulting'. FM-200 with real Nuvistors! in the front-end. Capture ratios nearing 1 dB. (Recently acquired one of the RF, stereo generators, way too expensive then: Sound Technology ST-1000A. It's still perfectly calibrated w/ vanishing distortion, etc.)
The last of the Heaths was as brilliant as the first - I have (two of!) their 'scope calibrators' = better specs than the HP, Teks (of a few years earlier). A nice risetime pulser with claimed 1 nS Tr, nearer 0.6 nS.
Dunno who will use, fix the electronics of the present and future, as most kids take the EZ MBA basketweaving courses and eschew science. Innumeracy grows. Musta been that way in Atlantis too? :(
Mozilla nicely converted my several mail folders, huge bookmarks. Maybe sometime I'll turn on jscript - just for the hell of it. Gotta explore the other featurez soon. Let it be STABLE (!!)