if there was nobody else waiting, they'd take a shot at it, given pre-op conditions being right... which may have something to do with it. Six months T&A free (er, that'd be Tobacco and Alcohol... the idea of six months without and Tits and Ass is too horrible to contemplate) might in fact have good medical reasons.

But, as I said in my earlier post... there are always more people waiting for things like transplantable livers/kidneys/hearts etc than there are organs available.

The question is not whether there are hard fast rules... it's who makes them. Most of them in Canada are made by doctors, not bureaucrats. Where the bureaucrats rule is in the distribution of resources, and even then doctors get a lot of say.

Who makes the rules about which doctor you can see etc in the US? The big issue for me here is finding one that wants me as a patient... the only people who are involved in the decision of who my doctor is are me... and the doctor.