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New Re: Ooh, he actually didn't answer *either*, did he?
Sorry Mccain was proved eligible in a court of law as he was born on US soil outside of the US on an army base in Panama.
Was Obama born in the US or not
a yes
2 no
c it fucking doesnt matter
I pick c. Since the refusal to issue the long form of the birth certificate due to vagaries of Hawaiian law during that time period he may have been born there he may not have.
Is Obama eligable to be president of the USA?
a. no
2 yes
c fucking aye yes
I pick c there is no ambiguity to be had, his ma was a us citizen therefore so is he thus eligible
now you can answer a question for me
do you think a dna sample should be compared between obama and his white relatives? /me dux
New Actually, this raises another question
If being born on a US base in another country makes McCain eligible for president, why is it that the US seems to think that people held on a US base in another country aren't entitled to constitutional protections?
New Ooh, I hadn't heard that before. Is that a new idea?

New I actually brought that up here during the election last
year, but nobody bit.

I didn't read it somewhere, just occurred to me that if McCain was eligible despite being born out of the US due to his being born on a military base, why was it that the same didn't hold for people in Guantanamo Bay?
New none of them were running for President. hth;-)
I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose freewill.
New I answered that for you I think
A US Base anywhere in the world is US Soil but is under the jurisdiction of the Military Code of Justice not the full constitution. Reference the wilderness forts in territories claimed by the US in the 1800's but not governed by a civilian appointment.
New Is there not anything in the Military Code of Justice about
indefinite detention without charge?
New read it
vague enough to fit
     the tards are having fun with wikipedia - (boxley) - (16)
         Are you just teaching the controversy? - (drook) - (15)
             To answer both - (boxley) - (14)
                 Sure does - (drook) - (3)
                     what, you never read News of the World? - (boxley) - (2)
                         World Weekly News went out of business - (lincoln) - (1)
                             Glad you noticed - (boxley)
                 You didn't answer either question - (rcareaga) - (9)
                     Ooh, he actually didn't answer *either*, did he? - (drook) - (8)
                         Re: Ooh, he actually didn't answer *either*, did he? - (boxley) - (7)
                             Actually, this raises another question - (jake123) - (6)
                                 Ooh, I hadn't heard that before. Is that a new idea? -NT - (drook) - (2)
                                     I actually brought that up here during the election last - (jake123) - (1)
                                         none of them were running for President. hth;-) -NT - (beepster)
                                 I answered that for you I think - (boxley) - (2)
                                     Is there not anything in the Military Code of Justice about - (jake123) - (1)
                                         read it - (boxley)

It’s an insidious time-gobbler.
66 ms