Thanks for the info
We did find out however, that it isn't as bad as it seems it is. Apparently instead of broadcasting at half power (like they were doing before), Ch 4, KMOV, was reducing it even more, to 10 or 15% power at different times during the day to avoid electrocuting the people working on installing the digital antenna. So the signal was better at night, and better still on John's set up, and they say it will continue to improve.
My worry about getting a new TV is that it still might not solve the problem, because we have always had issues getting even local signals here in our house due to being near the airport and a lot of tall trees. To get Ch 30 and see Star Trek back when it still aired in some form, John had to use a get-up of 2 UHF antennas, connected together, hung by a bungi cord from the highest point in the living room by the TV, and aimed in only one direction. It reminded me of when we used to try and boost our rabbit ears signals with tinfoil while standing on a table, holding on to the antenna with one hand and pointing the other hand towards a window ;)
So we'll see how it is tomorrow before I jump to a new TV decision. Still, thanks for the info. I have to stop typing for tonight though, my arm is really really hurting from all the driving, writing out the 5 page patient forms and having the first day of PT. OUCH.
When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!

Edited by
June 13, 2009, 01:21:25 AM EDT