Every 'body worker" I know is by now aware that that slogan is cut from the same Marketing cloth as, Just Do It!

Norman, You do NOT want to evoke pain; it is more than counterproductive. Further (as I have verifed by experience) .. even gentle motions in fact 'educate' underused muscles and their nerve rete. Then as you work up your endurance (where you can begin to achieve other results) - they 'know' how to do more without strain or sprain.

(That's the simplistic version but it's close enough to work with.) Now then, as you progress - muscle soreness will appear, for obvious reasons. But soreness after exercise (maybe next day, even) is a Good feeling - not nearly the same as the pain of 'strain'. I hope this is something you already sorta know (?)

Luck on.. er persisting.
