foolishly imagining 9.x would then behave and recognize ... at least a plain vanilla dongle:
After I'd had to do tricks to get the Hardware Demon to find the *#^^#& drivers, all-so-visible either on CD or web ones (same#s) -- and it found, finally, 3 of 4 (Couldn't manage the FW one; forgot that was also on card.)
THEN: first dongle ... DOZE is looking for software to access your new device
Oh Yeah.. I Know where that circle-jerk leads.
It's not enough! to have allegedly OK host drivers: must install new ones for every $*^&%# USB device. One-by-one.
Yashure. Maybe someone else can use that card when the plug is finally pulled. On Disconnect day:
Think I'll make a little celebratory bonfire of a few tens of pounds of DOS books, dance naked around the fire with a couple of witches who Know what to mutter to rid self of Bad-juju; maybe pick up some pointers on fabrication of really effective Dolls + Pins; my present Dibbuk-doll is not having the desired effect -- no mass hospital runs reported in Redmond. Yet.
YPB.. every day at work, eh :-/