I've taken it upon myself to learn Java, and I could use some suggestions for books.
My IDE is Metroworks CodeWarrior on the Mac platform. I also have a Linux/Win95 box on which I can run the code.
My background doesn't include much experience in OO languages, but I have an understanding of how to use it. I've had lots of training in C, C++, Delphi, and OO programming. I'm currently taking some rudimentary CBT courses in Java.
I already own OReilly's Java in a Nutshell, and I've read it cover to cover. I've also referenced Sun's tutorial information on their website. However, I'm still more of a 'book' person.
I plan to use Java for client-side only gui applications. As such, I plan to use Swing for the gui, and I need some database access (local machine database files).
I would like references that don't assume you were the author of C++ and that do include examples and code snippets (on CD or an internet reference).
At US$40-60+ per book, I'd rather not buy the wrong one(s). :-o
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Brian Bronson