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New Apple function keys..
Trying out the 'sculpted' kb for an earlier 17" white iMac on the 2.66 '08 version.
(Wish I had a copy of the Logitech-for-Mac (not Edge.. with its trackpad) for final comparison.)

17" came with Tiger; dunno what default alt-programming of F-keys was like in that combo. On Leopard: only F-9 thru 12 invoke Spaces, screen clearing, Dashboard. Problem:

Under Leopard, the handy toggle in Sys Pref (normal F-keys VS assignments for brightness, sound, etc) -- doesn't work on the older kb. Curious if anyone has found a key reassignment util. which works without breaking things. (For that matter, haven't yet researched what you Can do with the 'normal' F-keys. In Leopard, with the 'new' thin kb: nada seems to be the default. Would have expected this matter to be part of the menu in Sys Pref?)

Prefer the earlier form's real-keys and its spacing, but if the Logi one IS 'twixt This one and an IBM-Selectric (or early-micro) touch .?. that combo would win. Pity you can't d/l a keyboard for test -- $^*#@!* crappy techno again: it says "n kb/sec" transmission speed, but I haven't gotten a single kb yet.

Collapse Edited by Ashton Feb. 19, 2009, 04:18:33 PM EST
Apple function keys..
Trying out the 'sculpted' kb for an earlier 17" white iMac on the 2.66 '08 version.
(Wish I had a copy of the Logitech-for-Mac (not Edge.. with its trackpad) for final comparison.)

17" came with Tiger; dunno what default alt-programming of F-keys was like in that combo. On Leopard: only F-9 thru 12 invoke Spaces, screen clearing, Dashboard. Problem:

Under Leopard, the handy toggle in Sys Pref (normal F-keys VS assignments for brightness, sound, etc) -- doesn't work on the older kb. Curious if anyone has found a key reassignment util. which works without breaking things. (For that matter, haven't yet researched what you Can do with the 'normal' F-keys. In Leopard, with the 'new' thin kb: nada seems to be the default. Would have expected this matter to be part of the menu in Sys Pref?)

Prefer the earlier form's real-keys and its spacing, but if the Logi one IS 'twixt This one and an IBM-Selectric (or early-micro) touch .?. that combo would win. Pity you can't d/l a keyboard for test -- $^*#@!* crappy techno again: it says>/i> "n kb/sec" transmission speed, but I haven't gotten a single kb yet.
New heres one for
when using apple works
on a documents
do option shift k
and see what a fan boy you are
"Pictures are better then words because some words are big and hard to understand"
Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
New No gots; iLife '08 about only official ap.
Sounds like  an Easter apple? :-0
Works here too in preview
but prolly won't display.

Lucky Us, though --

Just pissed away HOURS trying to get a Via USB-2 card installed in 98-Lite box, to facilitate migration.
Usual Doze BS; .inf file found but Doze can't find one of the 5 drivers. (Though I Could) D/L %^#^# 9 MB from Via to get that far (a roll-up of much of their stuff, I guess.) No matter - because to put anything ON the USB bus: ya gots to have a driver for: a disk, a dongle, and now: even a bloody t/ball. (I didn't forget the Reboot 3X rule, either.) A giant retrograde step, in all.

Swan Song, I guess; a last Reminder of why and what I flee from.

Enjoy yours, too!

New A system update, perhaps?
It sounds like you've found a lot of the links I was going to suggest, but have you seen this one? http://discussions.a...1139960&tstart=75 Apparently a system update (35 MB) is needed to take advantages of new features on an Apple Aluminum keyboard. I dunno if that's what you've got, though.


HTH a bit.

New Re: A system update, perhaps?
While Alex reports a recent security update which I haven't gotten to, believe there was a keyboard update for the aluminum kb. (Hmmm - wouldn't that be flashing some firmware?) -- day I got the iMac; used HSpeed at neighbor's, d/l'd FFox, TBird and a few, while at it.

Problem is with the earlier white 17" Mac kb, which I'm trying (liking better) on my later-build; kinda hard to imagine they customize keyboards/firmware? model-by-model. Maybe so. No joy at Apple support question-box, though they do mention the aluminum kb fix.

KB shown in link - has no numeric keypad; not like mine (both, that is -- old, new iMacs gots the numbers.)

Will put it on list ... the whole matter kinda puts a pall on trying the Logitech too, if Apple's kbs are so Picky; how could Logi get it Right? For all models. (Unless they have a patch for keycodes on YAN stinking 'install Cee Dee' == shades of Beastware driver-mania. (Yes I know they aren't really 'drivers' / and Thank Cthulhu there is No Registry!) But lots of config files -- where I imagine the above action takes place.

Poco á poco. After the Prettiness wears off, I suppose I'll find a few warts. But I expect them to be a better-Class of Wart.

Thanks for tip.

     Apple function keys.. - (Ashton) - (4)
         heres one for - (Bman) - (1)
             No gots; iLife '08 about only official ap. - (Ashton)
         A system update, perhaps? - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Re: A system update, perhaps? - (Ashton)

A few slices of bread short of a loaf.
58 ms