Post #3,025
7/30/01 10:43:55 AM

Seat of your pants programming
Or rather "The PHBs have no idea what they want, and the programming requirements change daily."
That is what kind of work I do. Also since the other programmers and the supervisors do not know OOP or how to use classes and collections, we are banned from using them. Sort of like working for Bryce? :( Maybe I can learn more about them and somehow sneak them in when the PHBs aren't looking? :)
As my boss told me:
The ability to be flexible and adapt to change is part of the job and intrinsic in our environment. It is one of the things that make us successful.
Which means that we have no plan to follow for the programs and make it up as we go, the managers change their minds on a daily basis and we must adapt to those changes, or get downsized.
Some of the other developers follow the RIP method, but I actually make a plan and follow it and make changes when the plan changes.
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!"Moe Howard
Post #3,065
7/30/01 2:08:18 PM

Check out "extreme programming". Their main premise is that requirement are always changing, so everything needs to be done as late in the cycle as possible (but not later :) )
Post #3,075
7/30/01 2:28:38 PM

We sort of have that
except instead of 'later' it is 'sooner'. As in as soon as it can be done, before the managers change their minds again. The PHBs are turning IT into a Fast Food Francise. Quicker coding, sloppier design, and always the last minute changes that need to be made as quickly as possible before the "customer" or "client" finds out how the program is really supposed to be.
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" Moe Howard
Post #3,094
7/30/01 4:39:29 PM

From a distance...
"The PHBs have no idea what they want, and the programming requirements change daily."
looks like Brownian movement.
"When you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there."
This is my sig. There's another almost like it, but this one is mine.
Post #3,100
7/30/01 5:44:16 PM

More like a bowel movement
the PHBs must be thinking with that secondary brain. :)
I just found out that the main person who wanted the changes, just decided that the big project I had been working on for months to make the changes to, that it was not neccisary to do and most likely won't be needed by most of the users.
I got to get one of those signs from the Workstation Techs that says "Bang head here" and attach it to a wall! BOGGLE!
"I can see if I want anything done right around here, I'll have to do it myself!" Moe Howard
Post #3,153
7/30/01 11:05:15 PM

Ah, a brown movement! :)
This is my sig. There's another almost like it, but this one is mine.
Post #3,446
8/1/01 1:17:44 PM

myth: Not OOP == no_methodology
>> Or rather "The PHBs have no idea what they want, and the programming requirements change daily." That is what kind of work I do. Also since the other programmers and the supervisors do not know OOP or how to use classes and collections, we are banned from using them. Sort of like working for Bryce? <<
You seem to be assuming that I have NO methodology. That is *not* true. I documented the basics of my methodology on my "business modeling" webpage.
Task-based-grouping is simply more stable than the noun-based grouping of typical OOP code for biz apps. Changes in which-noun-affects-what don't require all the shuffling (aka refactoring) that OOP does. You simply change the *reference* to the different noun instead of *physically mOOving* code.
GOF then becomes a formula, NOT a code structure.
IMO, XP is a reaction to this OOP problem.
Post #3,489
8/1/01 4:28:38 PM

tis to laugh
IMO, XP is a reaction to this OOP problem.
XP was pretty much created by a bunch of Smalltalk zealots
Jay O'Connor
"Going places unmapped to do things unplanned to people unsuspecting"
Post #3,540
8/1/01 8:48:15 PM

So. Stalltalk is OO, no?
re: "XP was pretty much created by a bunch of Smalltalk zealots"
Post #3,544
8/1/01 8:58:34 PM

Smalltalk is OO out the wazoo
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #3,581
8/2/01 1:53:16 AM

I'll help you put it back in (no txt)
re: "Smalltalk is OO out the wazoo"
Post #3,667
8/2/01 8:56:01 PM

oops is tops :)
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #3,690
8/3/01 1:42:29 AM

Yr jst tryin t piss me off so that I hv a fit and get banned
Post #3,714
8/3/01 10:23:01 AM

nope after doing xbase for a lot of years
some of your arguments make a lot of sense. I thought my comment would annoy the oopsies more than you. thanx, bill
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves. Chuck Palahniuk
Post #3,716
8/3/01 10:43:04 AM

For those of you who frequent II...
In order to understand recursion, one must understand recursion.