Not even near setting a date or planning a wedding! I only said yes 5 hours ago! Lots of business stuff to take care of. Two houses to sell. My mom's estate is still up in the air and I was banished from my family shortly after she died. Long story. He thinks it's important for me to reconcile with my sisters before we get married. I disagree. It is a point of contention. He has 2 daughters, one just graduated from college with her teaching degree and the other is a sophomore at a private college in K'zoo and planning on med school. They are beautiful girls. He raised them well.
And I want to give my kids time to adjust. There are a lot of things to consider and a lot of expenses to cover. I also had a miserable year of fighting, funerals and hospitals and need some time to catch my breath. He, on the other hand, wants to go for it and work out the details later. I'm a planner. He flies by the seat of his pants. We are either going to compliment each other nicely or drive each other crazy!
At any rate, he has a cottage up north near West Branch and I would love to get married up there and do the whole casual beach wedding thing.