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New The kicker is I don't care
With the amount of the constitution shrub has shredded in the last 8 years, if all you can find that "disqualifies" this guy from the presidency is the possibility he isn't a citizen, who cares?

Not me.

He's the only chance of turning this country around. I don't expect his big promises to pan out, I'm not that dumb, but at least there is a hope.

With McCain, there is none. The guy doesn't know shit about the economy, wants a forever war, and has possibly fatal cancer 4 times and chose a VP who shows all the bad characteristics as bush yet is probably far worse. She's an attack dog, that's it. No f'ing clue on the world around her. And don't give me that crap about being the most populer governer. Her's is the only state that has a piggy bank (oil companies) to raid and redistribute the wealth.

And drill for oil, kill all other stuff, and give more $$$ to oil companies to incent them. For what? We have a small fraction of the world's oil, yet use far more. Even if we were pumping all poissble full blast (which would take a few decades), we still would not be independent. And why would anyone think the oil companies won't just sell it to china and keep the cash? That's what they do right now. McCain would just give them more.

And that moronic "health care" program? Sure, allow cross state insurance. End up with a single state with laws most favorable to the companies, kill all the others, choke off doctors and care, BIG profit. For what, $5K? No f'ing way, it costs a LOT more than that. According to McCain I have a cadillac program from my employer, so I should expect my costs to go way up. Along with every other employee of my company. Cadillac? It's an HMO with a POS escape if I can afford it.

There is NOTHING to like about McCain other than his non-Bush connected history. I used to love the guy. Sure, he got confused occasionally, but his heart was in the right place and you could ALMOST trust him. Then he went batshit crazy.

Did you see his reponse on Lettermen to the comment concerning Palin LYING (of course Dave didn't say that). He mugged the camera, shrugged, and said "Things get said in campaigns". He's perfectly fine with lying, and he euphemises his way out with a smirk. Don't give me anything about his "honor". He spent that currency a long time ago.

Obama's smart, he cares, he has ideas, and he actually does his homework. He doesn't depend on his underlings to do his work for him.

Yes, I expect I'll pay a bit more in taxes. SO WHAT?!?!? Do you have any idea what the cost of this war is, the cost to our economy, the loss of jobs, the death spiral effect of what is happening? A rise in my taxes of a couple of K is far less than what the situation is costing me in life terms.
New gonna enjoy the next 4 yrs
lotsa failed expectations coming your way regardless of who wins
if lemmy and god had a wrestling match who would win?
New Box, you're moving from strident to pathetic
Imagining you are the sole possessor of Principles -- while living in a country where NO Election could possibly be won by spilling your entire brain-pan into the maws of the Chattering Hordes.

(At least in UK, even the loonies are forced to speak in complete sentences and to conclude paragraphs ... once begun -- that is NOT the US Way.)

NOBODY HAS (or could have) any but the vaguest ideas about what the confluence of chaotic forces now gathering: Shall Necessitate, next. Only a displayed ability to competently manage many-things-at-a -time -- is the Bare Minimum for anyone volunteering to take on this massive prospect. An irascible, forgetful econ-iggerant sick old fart, with a short-FUSE: Fails that on. all. counts.

Your 'vote' has already been pissed away; suck it up -- now and next.
There SHALL be fuck-ups and you can chortle in your 10th beer, then.
Silently, I hope. {{Sheesh!}}

You're not a kid anymore, fucking Grow Up.
New dear leader has you right where he wants you
the republic will withstand either (I hope) just a shame that the great unwashed belly up to the same tired failed standards, time after time afraid of the power in the ballot box that the folks who open their boiled eggs, small end down will win
if lemmy and god had a wrestling match who would win?
New The perfect is the enemy of the good.
New the flawed are better than the evil
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
New a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
New You, sir, are now officially a total frigging nutcase.
New Just now? Where have you been?
He's been a nutcase the entire time!
New thats not a trite meaningless saying?
Yes, Virginia, there really is an Obama Claus. You can hear him shouting, "On Pelosi, on Reid, on Kennedy, on Biden. Cash away, cash away, cash away all!"
New And now we have recursion?
     "Atlas Jugs" outdoes herself - (rcareaga) - (15)
         Some people have too much time on their hands... - (Another Scott)
         he was actually born in kenya - (boxley) - (13)
             No, he was born on Krypton, remember? :-/ -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 And Sent to Earth by Jor-El to save the EARTH! -NT - (folkert)
             The kicker is I don't care - (crazy) - (10)
                 gonna enjoy the next 4 yrs - (boxley) - (9)
                     Box, you're moving from strident to pathetic - (Ashton) - (8)
                         dear leader has you right where he wants you - (boxley) - (7)
                             The perfect is the enemy of the good. -NT - (jake123) - (6)
                                 the flawed are better than the evil -NT - (boxley)
                                 a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush -NT - (boxley) - (4)
                                     You, sir, are now officially a total frigging nutcase. -NT - (CRConrad) - (3)
                                         Just now? Where have you been? - (beepster)
                                         thats not a trite meaningless saying? -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                             And now we have recursion? -NT - (Ashton)

Chinese Bookmarks of DOOM!
52 ms