You know: the ones which acknowledge that the death 'penalty' is no deterrent to a certain predictable % of even-more fucked-up homo-saps than.. the norm?
So the civilized countries note the inconsistency of 'frying someone' - for er 'frying someone first'. These countries appear to consider bloodlust to be a bad thing to evoke and especially, to satisfy in fellow citizens.. given how stupidly every mob always behaves (anywhere).
We OTOH do not care that - the penalty has near-0 effect upon the year's harvest of atrocities - We Want Our Death Spectacle; apparently - we really get off on that.
(Oh.. it's cheaper to off them?? That matters, perhaps?)
However you slice or dice it - it's pretty hard to inculcate into little cheeldrun a certain er reverence for life, while The State\ufffd is busy on Tee Vee a showin the punk (or punkess) strapped to a board and about to be Offed; with minute-by-minute readouts of the vital signs, and various solicited reviews from the Interested parties attending and watching the spectacle Up Close.
Not everyone who kills is nutzo, we are generally agreed: but killing one's kids has gotta be almost prima facie evidence (except, as Box pointed out above - for the troglodyte who traded her kids for.. getting laid next). Still, and for *either* case: Killing Them is NOT about teaching sanity. It's about wallowing in our own defects - and promoting more wallowing. Vicious circle, that.
WTF - we could try.. to grow up, as a species. Just for the hell of it. A novelty, say?