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New Re: McCain is doing much better tonight
He got his arse handed to him. Obama is much more eloquent and fluent; McCain has the body language of a beaten man.
New Mostly agree.
McCain is being a bully, but Obama's just brushing him off.

John's comments about fully supporting the people at his rallies were disconcerting. His trying to say that Obama was insulting the VFW people who attend his events or something was disgusting.

McCain's comments on justices for the Supreme Court were incoherent. "No litmus test, but nobody who agrees with it would be on my short list..."

Superficially, McCain is better than in the previous 2 debates, but he's still looking very weird. Obama's looking presidential.

But, at this point, I don't think it's going to change the recent trends in the polls either way.

New Agreed on the polls.
The gap's too wide now.
     McCain is doing much better tonight - (jay) - (13)
         Re: McCain is doing much better tonight - (pwhysall) - (2)
             Mostly agree. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                 Agreed on the polls. - (pwhysall)
         Re: McCain is doing much better tonight - (folkert)
         My favorite part - (rcareaga) - (2)
             ya gotta have a LOT of gold for those options -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                 Re: ya gotta have a LOT of gold for those options - (jake123)
         Only at the reduced-expectations level awarded Palin - (Ashton)
         again did not watch the debate, this thread is interesting - (boxley) - (4)
             Re: again did not watch the debate, this thread is interesti - (pwhysall) - (3)
                 It's certainly at odds with the polls - (jay) - (2)
                     What did FOX polls say? - (beepster)
                     bradley effecting that poll - (boxley)

I keep looking for the phrase, "According to top Chinese and Russian scientists..."
46 ms