Post #29,716
2/26/02 1:19:57 AM
See: Estados Unidos... they refer to themselves. Of course, we refer to them by the proper name that only we could come up with from our enlightened perspective: Mexico, which is derived from Mexicatl, which actually means "The Weed People" but is supposed to mean something like "The Chosen Ones." Ask me about it sometime - it's a funny story going back LOOOOOOONG before the arrival of the Conquistadores...
Very Christian country, NO death penalty, and in fact, no life sentence. It's written into their constitution that all are capable of rehabilitation, and the LONGEST jail sentence possible is 40 years.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #29,720
2/26/02 4:07:24 AM
I didn't realize that about Mexican law,
despite several years with a Chicana, trips, etc. Surprising, considering the omnipresence of the Church. Seems that, as an outsider I was unable to grok a certain 'grain of salt' (?) attitude towards the inherent guilt-load preached.
Since my friend was born in US, only visited family in DF over the years - maybe she also was unaware of such subtlety. Hmmm - have to revise the state of my ignorance downward, and ask around.
Encouraging, though! Even if we Superior Nortes surely have nothing to learn about compassion - from descendents of Mayans (who invented 0 for our comfort and math convenience) and Olmecs and other savages.
Damn.. imagine if the Ni\ufffda, Pinta and Santa Maria had all sunk in a squall - no #$%*^ Conquistadores. Maybe all Nortes would now be speaking Scandinavian, taking lots of cold dips in the winter - visiting Southward: for intellectual and spiritual instruction ;-)
Oh well, we're supposed to have to keep coming back until we get it Right..
Ashton Monte Alban:The Washington Monument::Bach:Snoop Doggy Dog
Post #29,861
2/26/02 3:45:13 PM
Don't knock the movement...
...knock the implementation.
From what I understand (and I could be smoking crack here - you'd have to ask my mother, who is something of an authority on All Things Mexican) the Church has been a major social instrument for social, political and economic change all throughout Central and South America, which is why you keep hearing these stories about murdered priests and nuns all over the place - they're awfully inconvenient for the local dictators.
Now, if you wonder what it would have been like had the Conquistadores not shown up, well, just imagine a Mexico ruled by a bloodthirsty empire that performed mass ritual sacrifice (supposedly over 10,000 in a day one time - and that's by archeological evidence, not Conquistadore myth...), cannibalism, and wars for the sake of wars. The Aztecs were not what one would call enlightened... In the sense that they were extremely brutal to their fellow humans.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Post #29,876
2/26/02 4:18:52 PM
Wasn't recommending them as a model ;-)
nor extrapolating that brand of madness - we won't know what the successor would have been, but can imagine that it would have been a strong reaction-against. Crap shoot then - but a more honest (?) one than - adopting the psych. baggage of the invaders.
Am aware of the (recent, modern) role of the Young Turks (priests) and according martyrdom. Not aware if these brave ones - have altered the dogma of the hierarchy though. If they have - I stand corrected: truly a new trick for a very Old Dog.
Post #29,760
2/26/02 10:30:44 AM
As for the woman in texas
She was nuts and the dr nurse husband otta be charged for even letting her be near her kids, as for the smith bitch(drowning in car blaming blacks) different story, the kids were in the way of her having an affair with a rich guy. Fry her ass. thanx, bill
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog." Richard Eaton spy software innovator
Post #29,816
2/26/02 1:59:59 PM
Think yer right on that earlier one, Box
I forgot about that [alleged..] part of Means Motive & Opportunity. If it passes jury dance - then she wasn't 'deranged' (except by hormones) - just malevolent and a terminal Boomer: Me-Me-Me \ufffdber alles. A perfect fit, had she drowned them in a Beemer.
Note though - the Vengeance arrived long before that allegation was even 'out', so the phenomena are the same. (Then there was the phony 'Blacks did it').
There's something terminally icky about Loving the Death Penalty (especially while Revering Life Before Birth - the pair of attitudes seem to go together like a hearse and carnage).
Post #29,823
2/26/02 2:18:56 PM
strange as that other crowd, killem in the womb
and kiss their ass until the die of old age. does go together like a hers and carne thanx, bill
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog." Richard Eaton spy software innovator
Post #29,829
2/26/02 2:27:14 PM
Won't fly..
Many still promote the suppression of even birth control. And even with that - nothing is 100%. A foolish consistency is (still) the hobgoblin of small minds. Like - every sperm is Sacred?. That's where That leads.
Which is why all these weird homo-sap self-delusions always end up as Opposing Slogans. As if.. every case could be wisely judged via all the variables.. Hah! There lies madness: punish Everyone who ain't Like Me.
Post #29,830
2/26/02 2:28:41 PM
we dont already do that ? (last line)
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog." Richard Eaton spy software innovator
Post #29,833
2/26/02 2:31:52 PM
Sage LRPD sez: Non-migratory, just like cocopabanana blaps.
Post #29,868
2/26/02 3:57:47 PM
Matches the attitudes of the "Letters To The Editors"
of all of the women (funny, haven't seen one written by a man yet) that say "He knew she was nuts, he kept getting her pregnant, he should have known better than to leave her alone with his kids, so he's guilty too; let's jail him/fry him/strap him down to the gurney/seal him up in the gas chamber, etc. I read through the Houston, Austin and Dallas papers online, and haven't seen anybody giving him the benefit of the doubt in this situation. The State killing a male; no sweat, but offing a female, well.......
BConnors "Prepare for metamorphosis. Ready, Kafka?"
Post #29,883
2/26/02 4:37:30 PM
Re: no death penalty
Don't know if it's changed or not, but I always thought any time in a Mexican prison had a strong chance of, in effect, being a death sentance.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.