Post #296,418
11/24/07 3:43:10 PM

Spent a few hours on hold, in the end was told
that there is no support for connecting to Windows shares, and I should try forums.
Or I can try to stay with Windows, or Linux. This disaster is as bad as anything I experienced in MS realm.
I will inquire tomorrow on whether the Apple store will take this thing back. Beautiful hardware, but the software and support are crap.
179. I will not outsource core functions. -- [link||.]
Post #296,419
11/24/07 4:02:03 PM

Keep it and install Windows
Like you said, beautiful hardware.
I have one, sitting unused for the last several months. Almost all corporate desktop stuff I need to do is via rdesktop to a vmware windows instance. Linux for everything else. The only thing I needed it for was when I occasionally went on the road and needed to ssh back to my systems in an emergency. Now that I have a Blackberry with ssh, I don't even need that.
My boss was a serious Windows geek, and then got into Linux for backend and Mac for his desktop/laptop. He's gently pushing executives in my company to try the Mac, but he's in the terrible position of being the only one who really understands it. That mean the VP becomes tech support, which CANNOT happen.
Post #296,429
11/24/07 6:20:58 PM

I am afraid.
Having no support from manufacturer stinks. And Apple certainly will not support Vista any better than they support their own stuff.
179. I will not outsource core functions. -- [link||.]
Post #296,430
11/24/07 6:50:28 PM

I wouldn't expect quick solutions from the manufacturer.
A vibrant user community will almost always give you quicker response than the manufacturer. You know MS would charge a fortune for detailed personal support, if they had a solution.... Be happy that Apple has a lot of enthusiastic users.
Did you see [link||these threads] in Apple's forums regarding sharing with Vista?
If you must have Windows, [link||Parallels] is an option you might consider while these issues are being resolved.
HTH! Good luck.
Cheers, Scott.
[link||IWeThey Custom Search Engine]
Post #296,432
11/24/07 7:15:03 PM

I would, when I was dealing with Apple
I would be wrong, of course.
But in the end, you are right. I ended up finding [link||this]. This is a workaround I can use for now.
The printout quality seems to stink comparing to Windows - the colors and blacks are all "washed out". No printer driver options are available. I had to rename my Windows printer to have no spaces in the name.
Another aspect of this find that is not very encouraging is the fact that it's dated from March. Apple had to know about it for a while, and they just don't care even to acknowledge the problem.
No, this is not a comforting thing at all.
179. I will not outsource core functions. -- [link||.]
Post #296,434
11/24/07 9:03:51 PM

What kind of printer?
Post #296,435
11/24/07 9:12:01 PM

Epson I560
179. I will not outsource core functions. -- [link||.]
Post #296,439
11/24/07 10:07:53 PM

Er, wait...
Epson doesn't make an I560 that I can find. Canon does, however...
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #296,440
11/24/07 11:00:20 PM

I thought that too, but perhaps it's one-5-6-0.
[link||IWeThey Custom Search Engine]
Post #296,438
11/24/07 10:00:05 PM

I had an i560, and discovered that the quality was amazing, but only when the printer was connected directly. There were drivers available but for some reason I couldn't get them to work over the network. Until I changed the print server. :-P
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."