YOU, a stickler for detail, all of a sudden? Somehow, this doesn't feel quite real... Anyway: That still doesn't make Turkey a European country, any more than Ceuta and Melilla make Spain an African one.
Let's turn this around -- in stead of me having to defend the European Union against this unwanted incursion all the time, let's have you Yanks[*] defend *why you want* Turkey in the EU.
A) What's the frigging *reason* for having it there?, and
B) What fucking business is that of yours?!? Do *we* get to declare which countries shall become States in *your* Union, next? I propose India, I'm sure they would like that. (With all her provinces, that would be about twenty or thirty new States, I suppose.)
[*]: And yes, that sadly seems to include you, BOx.