The utterly Unlikely is often what we so rely upon, instead of sane action on behalf of recently-clear probabilities of our actions. (I don't worry pretty-little head over whether the species Makes It, rilly I Don't. I think the Cosmos is ever so much 'brighter' than its denizens + egos, I guess.)
But isn't it pathetic that, as homo-sap so regularly gallops off into another quagmire / very-like some recent one ... as it plays out to a seeming dire result, yet again: we. always. hope. for some miraculously better result than the quite most probable one? I just don't much like being associated with such a demonstrated pack of iggerant loosers, y'know?
There *are* nukes now. And the mondo superstitious are feathering their armageddon fantasies - via all the modrin tech tools n'toys, a prayin fer a First Class ticket to the sky: They have {within} embraced the lovely idea of denouement already. No need to try to break suicidal habits: it's Gawd's Will cha cha. Cha.
The Nukes + the fleeing to base superstition, here in Century MM - are a qualitative change in the species' capability of Fucking-up ... not just for a generation or two nor via the massacring of a few millions? \ufffd, ie the usual stuff --always arranged by bloviations and cigars around one Green Table or another. Nope: 'We' are regressing just as the threat is exponentially greater. IMO
As we seem incapable of learning even the most basic things about the patent abuses of power / how to recognize those who crave it for personal psychotic ends -- is it not appropriate to point out, now and again -- perhaps in terms more suited to the modern/average consumer of stuff:
Expecting Luck to Grant You Seventeen Straight Passes at the dice table:
may get you that burned out cinder (mentioned by Klaatu in, The Day the Earth Stood Still -- way back in 1951.)
My cat has superior 'moral's to the whole bloody species. And she's supposed to be a'predator'!
But she'd never incinerate her stalking grounds. >We Would.<