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New Non-existant VRWC's phantom funder in messy divorce.
Scaife vs Scaife. Couldn't happen to nicer piece of scum

Restore the Constitution. Elect [link|http://tpmelectioncentral.com/2007/10/exclusive_senator_chris_dodd_will_put_a_hold_on_telecom_immunity_bill.php|Chris Dodd].
New One person having all that money
just blows my mind.
New Why so?
Seems as predictable a matter as the results from following exactly a recipe for apple pie (dough is dough.)

Greed.. especially when noted early-on in the sort of vicious brat who maims animals and steals other kids' lunch money; surely deepest among deep-personal-flaws: greed is the equivalent of Brer Rabbit's Tar Baby, the stickiest pheromone yet -- for all those other hateful Me-Me-Me idiocies of homo-saps:

Narcissism, sanctimony (as inevitably == intolerance), Puritanism-towards-others and, underlying all the rest: the massive hypocrisy as one's incessant Bolero beat . . . accompaniment in all activities (lately termed, Farmily Valuez.)

Just read a few issues of Human Events [a rag unChanged since my Gramma's eons-ago sweaty thumbing of each issue] - to plumb the spinoffs of simply, a basic lifetime greed obsession. In this compact compilation are the buzz words for making it-all seem to be about Freedom! Truth and the Murican Waay. The stuff of the Limbaughs and O'Reillys and other sub-species displaying early arrested-growth.

(Next, wash your hands!! and listen to some Bach to clear out the mind-cache toxin 'cookies' embedded!)


;^> .. it's ALL a Play.

PS - what this bastard deserves next - is to be married to Leona Helmsley (dead or alive.)
Two black widows in a bottle: video at 11.

Expand Edited by Ashton Oct. 22, 2007, 07:43:55 PM EDT
New Ahhhh, Bach!
the Brandenburg Concertos always take me to a beautiful place (it also happens to be my maiden name ;0) )
New "Qwerky Concertos"? Pleased to meet you. >:-)
New XD
New Ahh yess.. and #2 is the clarino one -
Hoping to hear the charming Ms. Alison Balsom's rendition some day, as she has demonstrated fluency on the tiny high trumpets of today. (The clarino - predecessor of modern piston-valve trumpets - used open holes like a flute; its intonation was fuzzy and 'twas/nay-is a Bastard to play.) Balsom's album of only-JS is out, with several 'clarino' scores, reminiscent of #2.

We are amidst a Golden age in the quality of instruments and new musical talent, even if it's the 12th Century and growing dimmer, elsewhere. (But for deepest detox: only Glenn Gould's The Goldberg Variations could cancel say? a forced half-hour {shudder} with any of the screaming major media psychopaths IMO.)

New Sounds like something I need to acquire
Just the thing to keep me from going into road rage...pop it into the cd changer and I'm mellow as wine.

Ahhhhhhh, indeed.
New Yep, the Goldberg should be a button next to 'Mute', IMO

New poetic justice and a surburban cage match
hope she gets the half she wants. Good way to distribute wealth
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free american and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 51 years. meep

reach me at [link|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net|mailto:bill.oxley@cox.net]
     Non-existant VRWC's phantom funder in messy divorce. - (Silverlock) - (9)
         One person having all that money - (imqwerky) - (7)
             Why so? - (Ashton) - (6)
                 Ahhhh, Bach! - (imqwerky) - (5)
                     "Qwerky Concertos"? Pleased to meet you. >:-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                         XD -NT - (imqwerky)
                     Ahh yess.. and #2 is the clarino one - - (Ashton) - (2)
                         Sounds like something I need to acquire - (imqwerky) - (1)
                             Yep, the Goldberg should be a button next to 'Mute', IMO -NT - (Ashton)
         poetic justice and a surburban cage match - (boxley)

  1. I've read it before; and
  2. I ignored it and marked it read the first time.

147 ms