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New Talk about choices
The gig/place I am contracting with ends next week, they like me and asked if I would go perm. There is a lot of ifs, if the boss can get a waiver to hire outside, if my company will give me up. They should as they have no other work locally and they do a lot of other business with this outfit. If we agree on money and if I want to relo to Tampa or commute 3 days a week. My co-worker works from home 3 days a week. Well chuckie is coming to the bucs so it aint all bad. And summer is coming so the kids will be out of school soon.
LORD wont you buy me a night on the town,
sometimes be glad with what you get.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New Choice?
Well chuckie is coming to the bucs so it aint all bad.

So, you're gonna take it?

Imric's Tips for Living
  • Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
  • Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
  • Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
New That's great. Box! I guess you showed them.
Now they are trying to keep you and save money. Convincing the body shop to let loose should not be a big problem for them. Unless they are small company, they hold some big cards.

Sorry, but you are not getting much closer to Alaska. :)

"Of course, you realize this means war." -B. Bunny
New Good going
if you can work from home get that DSL line with the extra cranking power (Forget 384k get the 768K or faster one) and load up a copy of GNUPGP or FreePGP to send encrypted emails. Then sit at your laptop or computer and dress how you want, but put up a Boxley puppet for the Webcam for when you have to video conference (shades of Dilbert) with your boss. ;)

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
New Fine as wine.
Are you sure you want it tho? Looks like things are starting to loosen up.
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New thats the dilema
a week or 2 ago dice entries on florida jumped from <200 to 306 yesturday
would like the same gig close to my house.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New What city are you in?
With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New work in tampa live in west palm 220 miles away
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New Tuff commute. :(
Was hoping I could give you a lead where I used to work. Most of the open jobs are in Orlando and that's even farther away, isn't it? Anyway, I used to work for SunTrust and they have tons of openings. Hope something fits and is close.

With this much manure around, there must be a pony somewhere.
New I'm finding a lot of jobs in Tampa...not as many in orlando.

This one looks interesting though.
New Great company to work for, go fer it
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW.
\ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
New thats the dilema
a week or 2 ago dice entries on florida jumped from <200 to 306 yesturday
would like the same gig close to my house.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New Gratz Box!
Things are starting to look up.

Real programmers use "vi a.out".
     Talk about choices - (boxley) - (12)
         Choice? - (imric)
         That's great. Box! I guess you showed them. - (a6l6e6x)
         Good going - (nking)
         Fine as wine. - (Silverlock) - (7)
             thats the dilema - (boxley) - (5)
                 What city are you in? -NT - (Silverlock) - (4)
                     work in tampa live in west palm 220 miles away -NT - (boxley) - (3)
                         Tuff commute. :( - (Silverlock) - (2)
                             I'm finding a lot of jobs in Tampa...not as many in orlando. - (Simon_Jester) - (1)
                                 Great company to work for, go fer it -NT - (boxley)
             thats the dilema - (boxley)
         Gratz Box! - (Yendor)

If I bought someone a G5 and they did this to it, I'd break their face.
50 ms