Yeah, and we all know how well that's working out
Lots of people pissed off by the edicts coming out of Brussels these days, esp. in the business community.
As for the weight given to rural vs. urban votes; let's not forget that previous to WWII, the majority of the population lived in rural areas; it wasn't until the advent of industrial farming practices and mechanization that most people in North America moved off the land and into the cities... so that weighting actually reflected reality until recently. Considering the proportion of the nation's bills that are paid by urbanites (the vast majority, esp. in a country like mine where more people actually live in the cities) the extra weighting given to rural people seems more like a rip-off than anything else.
Finally, isn't the extra weighting given to rural districts in the House of Representatives, as well as the equal weighting given to both small and large states in the Senate, enough to assure that the interests of the small are well considered next to those of the large? Seeing as our political philosophy is based on the individual, it seems both more democratic and more sensible to choose the chief executive strictly on the basis of how many votes they got.