I, too, have been fighting ovarian cancer for the last 18 months. Would I abandon traditional western medical treatment that has been proven to be effective for crystal healing, smudging, reiki,acupuncture, etc, etc? No. Of course not. But will I abandon my belief that western medicine is not the be-all and end-all of healing? Of course not. We know so little about energy in our bodies. We know that the brain creates electrical waves, and in my opinion, this is just the tip the iceberg. More and more progressive medical practices are incorporating alternative methods of energy healing into their treatment plans for patients, and as this becomes more and more mainstream I'm sure we will see more studies about the effectiveness of these treatments.
And so what if it is a placebo? The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself. I really dont care how I get well. The goal is to get well.
So I bought some crystals- specifically quartz and black tourmaline because they both have electrical effects and on some level, that makes sense to me. I can attach some science to it. Besides, it cant hurt. Might help. When I hold them I calm my mind and if they provide no benefit other than that, I dont care. That is enough and it helps. And they are beautiful and I like to look at them and that makes me feel better, too.