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New No you don't
You can rest comfortable in many of the things your citizenship affords you, even if they're under threat from the cabal. The Roma don't have that at all, and also are heavily discriminated against throughout Europe.

Not the same thing at all.
New All true; perhaps all we share is
the alienation. But that's a start towards understanding.

(And yes, I'm somewhat aware of their historic plight - also of their fate under the Nazis. And of course one then adds, 'et al'.) I've long thought of them as the world's Litmus - when they are finally welcomed somehere -??- the species shall have demonstrated its first adolescent growth spurt since say, the witch-burnings. I expect not to see that.

     the roma still having dificulties - (boxley) - (3)
         I feel for them sincerely - - (Ashton) - (2)
             No you don't - (jake123) - (1)
                 All true; perhaps all we share is - (Ashton)

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