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New Techno query - player needed for this site?
Plays fine on my minimalist-surfer with 98SE-Lite, but on a friend's similar installation on an otherwise OK-running Dell - only the [Rate This] radio button and below, loads: ie no screen above that, nor its std. control bar.

(Dell has SeaMonkey; it's not a WW filter problem [they're off] nor firewall blocking.)

Dunno what .extent associates with this 'player' (if any.)
Searching Source (on my e-Machine here) for the 24519 ID gets this Frame:

{{curly braces replacing '<,>' where flagged-annoying by Zope }}

<IFRAME NAME="rater" SRC="link_rate_content.asp?link_id=24519&action=rate&bg=black" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="20" marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

and next below those lines:

{table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0}{tr height=25}
{td }{a href="javascript:ifsrc('[link|http://www.i-am-bored.com/favorites.asp?action=add_js&link_id=24519','addf_24519'|http://www.i-am-bore...519','addf_24519'])"}{img hspace=5}

[F3]ing on down the Source file reveals several iterations of 24519, apparently associated with e-mailing or doing something with digg

Clearly I have no clue how embedded players "look" in source, nor what .ext might load such mini-aps, thus a chance to compare with my.ext lists for something not on her [intentionally rather stripped] Install.

Again, what I saw on her display was: the grey rectangular block, but starting just above the radio button:
[Rate This: ****]

Natch no message - error or other.
Enough info to suggest a clue?
Thanx, I

New They are using flash player
The player is flash. It is the <object> block a few lines up from where you where looking.

New \ufffdGracias!____must. look. Better.

     Spider-Cat - (JayMehaffey) - (7)
         Wow! - (Ashton)
         I wish I was a cat. -NT - (Lily) - (2)
             But you'd have to eat meat all the time. Probably. :( -NT - (Meerkat) - (1)
                 Didnt think about that. Must re-evaluate. -NT - (Lily)
         Techno query - player needed for this site? - (Ashton) - (2)
             They are using flash player - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                 \ufffdGracias!____must. look. Better. -NT - (Ashton)

Make your blood boil?
38 ms