er, Dan -- for reminding of the inanity of the present far-too-Long-running slugfest, the repeated misunderestimating of the %Muricans who vote exclusively with the reptile mind ... and the attention span which makes the above a New Discovery, every time. The Horror is, as always -- that we tolerate nay Demand this verbal masturbation - to fill all that empty space within and without.
Welcome back to the urine-stained halls of Wassamatta U.
It seems that the latest round of Demo capitulation has catalyzed the simmering Nation of Discontent - certainly, all over the beluga-sphere, as well as the bogus-o-sphere. Cowards, yes - but do they have some other Hat Trick, you know: Stragedy [??]
I thought of running as an Outsider - the Tralfamadorian Candidate, while carrying prominently my er skin-bound copy of, To Serve Man (along with a paperback of The Curve of Binding Energy -- the blackjack in the velvet glove.) But then, I knew they'd uncover my horrific past, the picketing of a Sister Lab, the drowning of a litter of Repos at-birth (it was the only decent, honourable Thing to do at the time, you see?)
BTW, I'll even concede that, given the hairy troglodytes currently assembled to Take Back Murica from the heathen Commyunists - Newt unarguably possesses functioning jelloware. Along with a bit too-much residual My Gramma stuff still embedded from the heady Human Events daze.
(Gawd, imagine Romney with The Bag Man + Iran + Syria + Turkey + [a much Much cannier -than-thee Putin] --> all under personalgoddirection, with the current aggregated Imperial Powers still in force.)
While I'd prefer Nancy Pelosi in the top spot (immediately after a fully populated-with-Suits Air Force One and Air Force Two collide, as their pilots argue about who gets to land by the Red Carpet first..) -- alas, Nobody loves the Exec, the craven Congress -- and the ones who Love the USSC, well we know about Them.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold..
WHAT Center ?
Drop by y'hear! - more than a FULL YEAR of transistor-targetted foot-shooting ahead {{ s o b }}