You are not talking to just anyone's fool: I am a Licensed Driver.
Gathered THAT! (it was the exact "GodMail" addendum which did not surface immediately, as I have neither sent/received to that locus of locusts.)
No-bounce ==> it must have reached there, hence - this thread is apt to be terminally superfluous.
(BTW - ditto no-bounce to an earlier good-addy I also sent to.)
I think he's likely out on his new Vincent, getting used to shifting with the right (ie Correct) foot, and realizing it'a a lot more fun than those Auto Union descendants with the big-FAT grilles.)
I mean, you can't reach Limbo wrongly - sans a <No-Limbo-here> notification, right?
The Gospel according to Packetry.
Hey.. didja ever do sq. rts. of large numbers on a Marchant calculator? (the 'lectric one, not crank)
Remember the clattering.. and the smell of napalm/gear-oil after about 20 min, as you got out to about the 10th decimal place?
Doncha Miss that on these effete wimpy keyboard things?