for the kind thoughts, encouragement, etc.
I met with the my daughter's teacher, the teacher who allegedly stood by and the principal. The teacher who didn't do anything said she didn't see it, that there were many children she was charged with watching and she apologized saying she certainly would have intervened. She seemed honest and genuinely upset that this happened. I wasn't there, it's entirely possible that it was over before she glanced my daughter's way.
My daughter's teacher was upset with the two students leading the antagonism (my daughter told me later that he took them aside as they headed out for recess and must have admonished them because they both apologized to my daughter). Then the teacher did something I really liked. He changed his history lesson for the day and they studied the evolution of the PoA, including Ike's adding of "Under God" AND the court cases involved (WV Board of Education vs. Barnette - or Barrette, I can't remember, in 1942). Then a classroom discussion was held where the students listed possible reasons for and against making the pledge!
The kids didn't kick her, I understand now. But they did knock her down and stomp her hand with their feet (she has bruises to show for it).
At any rate, I'm pleased with the way the teacher handled the situation. And interestingly, once the discussion turned to "why wouldn't some one want to say the pledge?" my daughter said, "Well, I think we're overdoing this a little. I mean, if we keep this up, I think we're heading in a bad way." Because of her statements and several others raised by other children, several other students have decided not to say the pledge. No, marlowe, I'm not really happy about that except indirectly. I am VERY happy that a classroom of 11 year-olds is actually thinking about what their country is doing and that they are FREE to decide for themselves whether or not it is appropriate.
Thanks again guys and sorry if I went overboard on the ranting,